This is all about managing the money side of things, from budgeting to forecasting to reporting. It’s important to have a handle on your finances to keep your business running smoothly.


We use and provide technology to make operations more efficient and effective. This could be anything from software to data analytics to digital marketing.


This covers everything to do with vehicles, from production to distribution to servicing.


We focus on the production, distribution, and use of energy, including renewable sources as well as traditional ones.

We deal with the development, management, and sale of properties like homes, offices, and factories.


We manage the movement and storage of goods and materials, including transportation and warehousing.

We’re all about helping people stay healthy and get better. That means providing healthcare services to assist in the treatment and prevention of illness and injury.


We produce, distribute, and sell food and drink products, including running restaurants and other food service establishments.


We design, produce, and sell clothes and other fashion items.


We sell goods and services to consumers, both online and in person.

We provide services like landscaping and commercial cleaning.


We provide leisure and entertainment activities like movies, games, and live events.

In states where it’s legal, we produce and sell marijuana for recreational or medical use.